Outdoor decoration
Outdoor Wall Lamp 24 - Riserva
Outdoor Table Lamp 24 - Kyle S
Outdoor decoration: between liberty and originality
When you move into a house, the first priority is obviously decorating the house itself. This can be a time-consuming process which has to respect the environment and the personality of its inhabitants. But once that's finished, it's time to tackle to exterior and the garden. The decision has to be made about whether the exterior should be a direct, clear extension of the interior decoration. Or should it simply be a different place, oriented more towards nature? Everyone is free to choose their philosophy, and we have several decorative solutions to suggest.
Animals and outdoor rugs
To create an ambience on your terrace, in your garden or even on a balcony, don't hesitate to take a look at our selection of decorative items and ideas. Our two solutions? Outdoor rugs or decorative animals. The animals are sculptures produced in a variety of materials symbolising animals such as gorillas, deer, dogs, elephants, panthers, rabbits and bears. Finally, our selection of outdoor rugs can adapt to houses of all styles. Modern, with colourful patterned rugs, or something plainer and more streamlined.
Whether you're hosting a major outdoor event or furnishing a garden for the first time, decoration is a really important factor. From weddings and corporate conferences to cultural festivals, outdoor events need to look the part in order to give guests a memorable experience. And we all love making our gardens look as beautiful as possible.
At Pacific Compagnie, we have all of the outdoor decorations and furnishings you need to get the look of your event or garden just right.
Outdoor lighting is probably going to be a major part of your design, and with our collection you can be really imaginative in this department. For starters, if you have pathways to illuminate, you'll find plenty of outdoor floor lamp models in our collection.
Driveways and reception areas can look fantastic with a contemporary floor lamp arrangement to make the best use of the space at your disposal. And if you're interior design or event has a classic or historical theme, vintage floor lamp models are available with Art Deco or 19th century touches.
Light is a great way to generate atmosphere, and the outdoor lighting arrangement you choose is vital. So have a look around and pick a wall or floor lamp design which suits your needs.
But don't stop there. Our outdoor decorations go well beyond lighting. If you are looking for outdoor wedding decoration ideas, be sure to check out our ornaments collection.
A well placed fountain design could form a stunning centrepiece to a wedding reception, while in many gardens a fountain adds a dash of tranquility, making the space a more relaxing place to be. If you like the ideas of adding a contemporary fountain to outdoor spaces you'll find some impressive copper, zinc or stone at Pacific Compagnie.
But fountains aren't the only outdoor event decoration products in our collection. You'll encounter plenty of other options, from outdoor carpets with eye-catching graphic designs to outdoor table decoration ideas like ornamental animals and elegant planters.
So whether you're keen to enhance your new home's exterior or you need to impress event guests, be sure to browse the outdoor decorations section at Pacific Compagnie.