Outdoor Modular Sofa Flows
Outdoor Modular Sofa Flows with structure in thermolacquered
aluminium and natural teak. upholstered and covered with high quality
outdoor fabrics Toscana
Dimensions : 308 x 308cm
Module Sofa 2 seats dimensions 269 x 93 x 73cm, price : 4395€
Also available on request in 3seats sofa
Module Large Middle Seat dimensions 103 x 93 x 73cm, price : 2495€
Right/Left cordern double end seat dimensions 176 x 83 x 73cm, price : 2995€
Coffee Table dimensions : 70 x 76 x 22cm, price : 925€
Floating Coffee Table dimensions 70 x 70 x 16cm, price : 770€
For further informations, please contact us
Ref : Outdoor Modular Sofa 48- Flows
Outdoor Modular Sofa 48- Flows